Sunday 28 July 2013

Week 8


Notification that i get on my phone.
There are games, social networks, traditional notifications and messengers.
Games are such as Smurfs' Village, Hotel Story, Tapped Out and Restaurant Story.
Social Networks are such as Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare and Twitter.
Traditional notifications are such as SMS, calls, MMS and video calls.
Messengers are such as Whatsapp, Wechat, Line and Kakao Talk.

Chosen data:
Smurfs' Village

Data collection

From Monday to Sunday

                         M  T W T F S  S   AVERAGE

Whatsapp          4  5  7  5  8  6  4       6

Smurfs' Village   1  0  5  3  6  6  7        4

Twitter               3  4  3  2  4  5  5        4

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